Top Places to Shop in Lancaster County, PA (2025 List)
The high caliber of products you’ll find in Lancaster County stores and shops is a reflection of the solid work ethic for which Lancaster County is known. Our variety of stores, shops, and outlets attract every kind of customer, from bargain shoppers to novelty shoppers to utility shoppers. If you can’t find it when shopping in Lancaster County, you’re probably just not looking hard enough!
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Here you can indulge yourself in a wide variety of shops, stores and malls throughout Lancaster County, the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch Country. You’ll find everything from locally made foods and furniture to national brand products, often at special prices. Of course you’ll find Amish-owned stores in Lancaster, but many other shops sell Amish-made furniture or other Amish-made products. There’s a variety of country stores in the area. Plus, some merchants make it easy for you by shipping their merchandise right to your door (for a separate listing of mail order and online shopping opportunities, see our online shopping directory).