About Mud Sales in Lancaster County, PA
One of the most popular Lancaster County attractions are mud sale auctions. People come from all over the surrounding area (even out of state) to buy things at one of these sales.
What is a Mud Sale?
Why are they called Mud Sales?
The 2024 Mud Sale Events Calendar
What to do after a Mud Sale?
Questions about Amish culture
What is a mud sale?
Many Lancaster County towns and villages are protected by volunteer fire companies. These fire companies need to raise funds to pay for needed equipment and supplies, so they do a sale/auction once a year. Think of it like a benefit auction. These fire company sales have been a regular event here in Lancaster County since the mid-1960s. They’re also known as “Amish Mud Sales”, and while a lot of Amish do typically attend a mud sale, they’re technically volunteer fire company sales.
When are mud sales?
Late Winter and early Spring work out best for local farmers (including the Amish) to be able to come to the sale because they have more time available before the Spring planting. Mud sales take place somewhere in Lancaster County almost every weekend through the late Winter and early Spring (see the 2024 mud sale schedule below). Some do take place during the Summer and Fall as well. Check the schedule below for upcoming dates and locations.
Why are they called Mud Sales?
Since many of the items are sold outside during potentially muddy Spring conditions, these events have earned the nickname “mud sales”.
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What’s a mud sale like?
Often, auctions are held both inside and outside, and sometimes numerous auctions take place at the same time throughout the grounds. You can freely move about from one auction to another looking for the merchandise that most interests you.
The items that are auctioned vary from one auction to another and include a wide variety of donated goods and consignment merchandise. Auctioned items often include Amish-made furniture, craft items, quilts, building materials, livestock, buggies and carriages, tools, farming supplies and equipment, garden items, and much more. Plus, there is always lots of delicious home-cooked food for sale (after all, Lancaster is famous for its smorgasbords).
So, grab the whole family, throw on your boots, and take in a mud sale for a truly unique Lancaster experience!
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Below Are the Upcoming Mud Sales Around Lancaster County
Kinzers Fire Company Mud Sale
Lancaster County Carriage and Antique Auction
Gap Relief Auction
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