Miller’s Smorgasbord
2811 Lincoln Highway East (U.S. Route 30)
Ronks, PA 17572
Menus Location/hours Shopping Coupons Groups of 20+
Celebrating over 90 years serving the Lancaster community.
Coupon savings – $2.00 off Traditional Adult Smorgasbord Meal for up to 4 adults.
Miller’s Smorgasbord is Lancaster’s original smorgasbord restaurant, featuring American favorites as well as our own distinctive Lancaster County Heritage dishes, including chilled steamed shrimp; carving station with roast beef, turkey and ham; chicken pot pie with homemade noodles; bakery fresh desserts and more.
Reservations encouraged and walk-ins welcomed. AAA recommended.
Visit our website for current hours, make reservations and additional information. Learn More…
See also the AmishView Inn & Suites coupon,
the Miller’s Smorgasbord coupon.
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Miller’s Smorgasbord
2811 Lincoln Highway East (U.S. Route 30)
Ronks, PA 17572