Eggs have become a focal point of the Easter holiday for kids. You know the ones – colorful, plastic, hard to stay closed when they’re stuffed with candy… They show up at Easter egg hunts by the hundreds, at school functions, and in Easter baskets. In most cases, they are filled with more candy, trinkets, and stickers than the average kid know what to do with (or maybe, that the average parent wants around!)
While traditional Easter egg hunts are a lot of fun, what if you used your stash of colorful eggs for some activities that make this Easter a more memorable one? Try one (or all three) of these ideas that will make Easter more meaningful for your kids:
Fill a basket with “egg”-cellent ways to serve others
Instead of eggs filled with candy, what if they were filled with different ways to serve other people? Grab a basket, some plastic eggs, and some strips of paper. On each strip of paper, write a different opportunity for your kids to serve other people. Each day, choose an egg, read what’s on the paper, and let your kids experience the joy that comes with serving others. Model service with them! The possibilities are endless; here are a few to get you started:
Leave an Easter treat in your mailbox for your mail carrier
- Clean up trash at your favorite park
- Make Easter cards and deliver to a local nursing home
- Write a letter to your school principal to thank them
- Help a family member weed their flower beds
- Create a fun video to send to someone you miss
- Spend an hour at Target returning carts for people
- “Chalk the walk” outside a neighbor’s house to brighten their day
- Donate some toys you don’t use to a local charity
- Make a snack basket and drop it off at your local police station
- Paint rocks with encouraging messages and hide them at a local park
Have an Easter “experience” hunt
Enjoy the fun of hunting for eggs in your backyard but fill them with “experiences” that are more meaningful and can be enjoyed for the next few months. In each plastic egg, include a strip of paper that has an “experience” written on it. Then, each week, your kids can choose one of the experiences to do together as a family. Some fun experiences that can create family bonding time, but won’t break the bank, are things like: baking cookies, ice cream sundae night, movie night, stay up 30 minutes late, lunch date with Mom, pick what we have for dinner, go bowling, camp out in the living room, etc. Simple experiences can provide long-lasting memories and encourage more time spent together as a family!
Remember the reason we celebrate Easter
Does your family have any traditions that help you remember the meaning behind Easter? Fill a dozen eggs with some items that help you teach story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. (Read Luke 22-24 to help you.) Let your kids retell the story to their family members.
Come celebrate the Good News of Easter at Victory Church! Jesus is alive – and we can be made alive in Him! We can have hope, whatever our story is.
Join us for an Easter service filled with worship and celebration at one of these service times, at all Victory locations:
Sunday, April 17
8:00, 9:45, and 11:30A
Visit for more information.
*Blog post submitted by Victory Church