Making Easter About More Than Bunnies and Eggs
Does your family have any traditions that help you remember what Easter is really about? Baskets filled with treats are fun, but Easter is about so much more than bunnies and eggs. It’s about celebrating Jesus and the power of an empty tomb!
Families – you can be intentional with traditions that help your kids and grandkids remember what Easter is really about. The point is not to add more to your already busy family schedule but to intentionally slow down and focus on what is most important this Easter season. Leading up to Easter, make each of these a main priority by learning more about what happened in the Bible, and doing a family activity together.
Read John 13: 3-5 with your family about how Jesus served his closest followers, by washing their feet, and how we can do the same with those around us. The best way for your kids to understand this principle is to see it in action! Find a way to serve as a family this week – bake for a neighbor, “spring clean” outside a family member’s house, make Easter cards for a local nursing home, clean up trash in a local park…there are countless ways to serve people around you!
Jesus sets the model for making prayer a priority. Jesus knew how important it was to pray and talk to God, whether He was happy, sad, or scared. After reading Matthew 26:36-39, decide as a family to pray together. Write down the names of 5 people that your family wants to focus on praying for together. Write their names on index cards and put them on your refrigerator or near your bed. Pray for them every day this week.
Jesus died on the cross so that we can live forever with Him! Read about this amazing gift He gave us, in John 3:16. Three days after Jesus died on the cross, he defeated sin and death by coming back to life. He is now in Heaven preparing a place for us. Jesus gave us the gift of the promise of hope and eternal life with Him, by taking the punishment for our sins. As a family, try memorizing John 3:16 together. Also, celebrate what Jesus did for you by attending a Good Friday Worship Night or an Easter Sunday service.
We celebrate Easter as a reminder that Jesus is alive and we get to spend eternity with Him! Read Matthew 28: 1-7 together. Celebrate the good news by “chalking your walk”. Decorate your driveway or the sidewalk in front of your house to let your neighbors know that Jesus loves them, that He is Risen, or to invite them to church!
Easter celebrations also bring lots of yummy treats – try baking this one together with your family as a visual for what Easter is all about! (Resurrection rolls
If you’re looking for a church to celebrate this Easter, we would love to have you join us at Victory Church. Victory Church exists to help people take their Next Step in their journey of faith with Jesus. We are one church in many communities, with five campuses across Lancaster County. Easter services will take place at all of our campuses and online on Saturday, April 3, at 4:30 PM and Sunday, April 4, at 9:00 & 10:45 AM. There will also be a Good Friday Night of Worship at the Greenfield Campus and online on Friday, April 2. Visit for more information.
*Blog post submitted by Victory Church