The following Lancaster County churches offer online worship services to those who are unable to attend in person. Please check their websites for times of their services, or for replay of past services.
Online Church Services from Lancaster County Churches
Victory Church exists to help people take their Next Step in their journey of faith with Jesus. We are one church in many communities, with six campuses across Lancaster County. For Easter we offer a Good Friday night of worship for the community of Lancaster. We also will be posting family activities and devotions on our website - you are welcome to participate with us.
Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Church
Online worship services at
Also, their 11:00 am Sunday morning services are broadcast live on WDAC-FM.
Calvary Independent Baptist Church
Calvary Monument Bible Church
Bible church
Christ the King Community Church
Community Bible Church
Community Fellowship Church
Christian Missionary & Alliance
Crown of Life Fellowship
Donegal Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church USA
East Petersburg Mennonite Church
Faith Bible Fellowship Church
Faith Church
Faith Reformed Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church in America
First Baptist Church of Pequea
First Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church USA
First Presbyterian Church of Strasburg
First United Methodist Church
Freedom Life Christian Center
Gap Community Church
Grace Lutheran Church
Highland Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church USA
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Hope Community Church
Hope Episcopal Church
Hosanna! A Fellowship of Christians
James Street Mennonite Church
Lancaster Alliance Church
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Lancaster Brethren in Christ Church
Lancaster Evangelical Free Church
Evangelical Free Church
LCBC – Ephrata
Bible Church
LCBC – Lancaster City
Bible Church
LCBC – Manheim
Bible Church
Manheim Grace Brethren Church
Proclamation Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church in America
Reality Church
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church in America