Lancaster PA Funeral Services and Memorials

Funeral Services and Memorials for Your Loved Ones

When a loved one passes, it can be difficult to know the next steps and what planning needs to happen. This can be a very stressful time, especially if the death was unexpected.  Many final decisions have to be made.

  • Funeral arrangements and memorial services
  • Burial or cremation
  • Grave Markers or headstones or custom monuments

Preplanning for Yourself

Many people like to plan ahead for their own lives as well to make this time of transition easier for their own loved ones.

(To draft a will or a power of attorney or other estate documents, you may want to contact a local Lancaster  attorney.)

Here are Some Local Resources to Help With Your Decisions

We have put together a list of some companies in Lancaster County that can help you honor your loved ones or plan ahead for yourself. Many of these businesses offer appointments, walk ins, or in-home visits.
