Manheim – 2012
Friday, June 8
Manheim Central High School Commencement will be held at LCBC Church located at 2392 Mount Joy Road, Manheim
Summer Reading Kickoff Program – Manheim Community Library located at the Manheim Borough Building, 15 East High Street, Manheim
Saturday, June 9
A Community Celebration of Manheim
7:00 am—10:00am
Community Breakfast
VFW Manheim located at
149 South Charlotte Street,
Mannheim Market
located on Market Square in downtown Manheim
Mobile Ag Ed Science Lab
Hope Fire Engine & Hose Co.
83 South Main Street
Special 200th anniversary program at the Fire Station
11:00am – 3:00pm
VolksFest – Games/Food/Entertainment on Market Square in downtown Manheim
Trolley Rides to and from Market Square, the Cat’s Meow, Stiegel Glassworks 1976 and the Manheim Railroad Station.
Founding Father, Baron Henry William Stiegel and his wife Elizabeth
Open Tours of the Historic Manheim Railroad Station located at 210 South Char-otte Street, Manheim.
Experience glassblowing at Stiegel Glassworks 1976.
The Rose will MC event and Liederkranz and dance performances by Crickets Performing Arts.
Mayor to officially welcome the Baron and Elizabeth.
Trike Race
Cylo, Skully and the Cat in the Hat to make an appearance.
Tug of War at the Manheim Fire Company – must sign up by June 1.
Pie Eating Contest
Guinness World Record-Breaking Egg Toss
Sunday, June 10th
Festival of the Red Rose Ceremony – 2:30pm
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2 South Hazel Street, Manheim PA 17545
(717) 665-5880